这又是一款基于HTML5 Canvas的3D动画杰作,它是一个可以随风飘动的3D衣服摇摆动画特效,非常逼真。当我们将鼠标滑过衣服时,衣服将会出现摇摆的动画,点击鼠标时,衣服将会更加剧烈地摆动。
XML/HTML Code复制内容到剪贴板
"3D on 2D Canvas" demo
move cursor to pan / click to swing
JavaScript Code复制内容到剪贴板
function ClothApp() { this.canvas = document.getElementById("cv"); P3D.g = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); var tex = new Image(); this.texture1 = tex; tex.onload = function(){ _this.start(); }; tex.src = "20090226032826.gif"; tex = new Image(); this.texture2 = tex; tex.onload = function(){ _this.start(); }; tex.src = "20090226032825.png"; this.mLoadCount = 2; this.mTickCount = 0; this.G = 0.53; this.G1 = 0.45; this.mProjMat = null; this.mViewMat = null; this.mViewFrom = new Vec3(); this.mViewFrom.y = -150; this.mViewFrom.z = 1000; this.mViewFromA = (new Vec3()).copyFrom(this.mViewFrom); this.mViewAngle = 0; this.mNLen = 0; this.mNodes = []; this.mRenderTris = null; this.mLTNode = null; this.mRTNode = null; this.mLTNodeV = new Vec3(); this.mRTNodeV = new Vec3(); this.mWForce = new Vec3(); this.frate = 15; var _this = this; } ClothApp.zsortCmp = function(t1, t2) { return t2.sortKey - t1.sortKey; } ClothApp.prototype = { start: function() { if (--this.mLoadCount != 0) return; this.vUP = new Vec3(0, 1, 0); this.vAT = new Vec3(0, 80, 0); this.mViewport = {}; this.mViewport.w = 480; this.mViewport.h = 300; this.mViewport.ow = 240; this.mViewport.oh = 150; this.setupTransforms(); this.generateCloth(180); this.generateRenderTriangles(); var _this = this; this.canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e){_this.onMouseMove(e);}, false); this.canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e){_this.onClick(e);}, false); window.setTimeout(function(){_this.onInterval();}, this.frate); }, onInterval: function() { this.mTickCount++; // this.mLTNodeV.z = Math.cos(this.mTickCount*0.1) * 2; this.tick(); this.updatePosition(); this.draw(); var _this = this; window.setTimeout(function(){_this.onInterval();}, this.frate); }, onMouseMove: function(e) { if (e.clientX || e.clientX == 0) this.mViewAngle = (e.clientX - 240) * 0.004; if (e.clientY || e.clientY == 0) this.mViewFromA.y = 90 - (e.clientY - 0) * 0.8; }, onClick: function(e) { if (e.clientX || e.clientX == 0) { this.mWForce.z = -4; this.mWForce.x = (e.clientX - 240) * -0.03; } }, tick: function() { this.updateViewTrans(this.mViewAngle); var nlen = this.mNodes.length; var i, nd; for(i = 0;i < nlen;i++) { nd = this.mNodes[i]; nd.F.x = 0; nd.F.z = 0; if (nd.flags & 4) nd.F.y = -this.G1; else nd.F.y = -this.G; nd.F.add(this.mWForce); } this.mWForce.zero(); this.applyTension(); for(i = 0;i < nlen;i++) { nd = this.mNodes[i]; if ((nd.flags&1) != 0) { nd.F.sub(nd.F); } nd.velo.add(nd.F); } this.mLTNode.velo.copyFrom(this.mLTNodeV); this.mRTNode.velo.copyFrom(this.mRTNodeV); }, updatePosition: function() { var nlen = this.mNodes.length; var i, nd; for(i = 0;i < nlen;i++) { nd = this.mNodes[i]; if ((nd.flags&1) != 0) { nd.cv.x = 0; nd.cv.y = 0; nd.cv.z = 0; } nd.pos.add(nd.velo); nd.velo.sub(nd.cv); nd.cv.x = 0; nd.cv.y = 0; nd.cv.z = 0; nd.velo.smul(0.95); } }, draw: function() { P3D.clear("#000", this.mViewport.w, this.mViewport.h); this.transformPolygons(); this.mRenderTris.sort(ClothApp.zsortCmp); var len = this.mRenderTris.length; var t, sh; for (var i = 0;i < len;i++) { t = this.mRenderTris[i]; if (P3D.texture != t.texture) P3D.texture = t.texture; sh = undefined; if (t.lighting && t.shade > 0.01) sh = "rgba(0,0,0,"+t.shade+")"; P3D.drawTriangle(t.tposs, t.uvs, sh); } }, applyTension: function() { var i, k, nd; var v = new Vec3(); var nlen = this.mNodes.length; var naturalLen = this.mNLen; for (k = 0;k < nlen;k++) { nd = this.mNodes[k]; var F = nd.F; for (i = 0;i < 4;i++) { var nbr = nd.links[i]; if (!nbr) continue; var len = v.copyFrom(nbr.pos).sub(nd.pos).norm(); var dlen = len - naturalLen; if (dlen > 0) { v.smul(dlen * 0.5 / len); F.x += v.x; F.y += v.y; F.z += v.z; nd.cv.add(v.smul(0.8)); } } } }, setupTransforms: function() { this.mProjMat = new M44(); this.mProjMat.perspectiveLH(24, 15, 10, 9000); this.mViewMat = new M44(); this.updateViewTrans(0); }, updateViewTrans: function(ry) { this.mViewFromA.z = Math.cos(ry) * 380; this.mViewFromA.x = Math.sin(ry) * 380; this.mViewFrom.smul(0.7); this.mViewFrom.x += this.mViewFromA.x * 0.3; this.mViewFrom.y += this.mViewFromA.y * 0.3; this.mViewFrom.z += this.mViewFromA.z * 0.3; this.mViewMat.lookAtLH(this.vUP, this.mViewFrom, this.vAT); }, generateCloth: function(base_y) { var cols = 9; var rows = 8; var step = 22; this.mNLen = step*0.9; var w = (cols-1) * step; var i, k; for (k = 0;k < rows;k++) { for (i = 0;i < cols;i++) { var nd = new ClothNode(); nd.pos.x = -(w/2) + i*step; nd.pos.y = base_y -k*step/2; nd.pos.z = k*16; nd.uv.u = i / (cols-1); nd.uv.v = k / (rows-1); if (i > 0) { var prv_nd = this.mNodes[this.mNodes.length-1]; prv_nd.links[1] = nd; nd.links[0] = prv_nd; } if (k > 0) { var up_nd = this.mNodes[this.mNodes.length-cols]; up_nd.links[4] = nd; nd.links[3] = up_nd; } if (i != 0 && i != 4 && i != (cols-1)) nd.flags |= 4; this.mNodes.push(nd); } } // fix left-top and right-top this.mNodes[0 ].flags |= 1; this.mNodes[4 ].flags |= 1; this.mNodes[cols-1].flags |= 1; this.mLTNode = this.mNodes[0 ]; this.mRTNode = this.mNodes[cols-1]; }, generateRenderTriangles: function() { if (!this.mRenderTris) this.mRenderTris = []; var i; var nd; var nlen = this.mNodes.length; for(i = 0;i < nlen;i++) { nd = this.mNodes[i]; if (nd.links[1] && nd.links[1].links[4]) { var t = new RenderTriangle(); t.texture = this.texture1; t.poss[0] = nd.pos; t.poss[1] = nd.links[1].pos; t.poss[2] = nd.links[1].links[4].pos; t.uvs[0] = nd.uv; t.uvs[1] = nd.links[1].uv; t.uvs[2] = nd.links[1].links[4].uv; this.mRenderTris.push(t); t = new RenderTriangle(); t.texture = this.texture1; t.poss[0] = nd.pos; t.poss[1] = nd.links[1].links[4].pos; t.poss[2] = nd.links[4].pos; t.uvs[0] = nd.uv; t.uvs[1] = nd.links[1].links[4].uv; t.uvs[2] = nd.links[4].uv; this.mRenderTris.push(t); } } this.addBGTriangles(this.mNodes[0].pos.y); }, addBGTriangles: function(by) { var cols = 4; var t, x, y, sz = 110; var ox = -(cols*sz)/2; var oz = -(cols*sz)/2; for (y = 0;y < cols;y++) { for (x = 0;x < cols;x++) { var bv = ((x+y)&1) * 0.5; t = new RenderTriangle(); t.texture = this.texture2; t.poss[0] = new Vec3(ox + x*sz , by, oz + y*sz ); t.poss[1] = new Vec3(ox + x*sz + sz, by, oz + y*sz ); t.poss[2] = new Vec3(ox + x*sz , by, oz + y*sz + sz); t.uvs[0] = {u:0 , v:bv }; t.uvs[1] = {u:0.5, v:bv }; t.uvs[2] = {u:0 , v:bv+0.5}; if ((x==1 || x==2) && (y==1 || y==2)) this.modifyRoofUV(t, x == 2, bv); t.lighting = false; t.zBias = 0.5; this.mRenderTris.push(t); t = new RenderTriangle(); t.texture = this.texture2; t.poss[0] = new Vec3(ox + x*sz , by, oz + y*sz + sz); t.poss[1] = new Vec3(ox + x*sz + sz, by, oz + y*sz ); t.poss[2] = new Vec3(ox + x*sz + sz, by, oz + y*sz + sz); t.uvs[0] = {u:0 , v:bv+0.5}; t.uvs[1] = {u:0.5, v:bv }; t.uvs[2] = {u:0.5, v:bv+0.5}; if ((x==1 || x==2) && (y==1 || y==2)) this.modifyRoofUV(t, x == 2, bv); t.lighting = false; t.zBias = 0.5; this.mRenderTris.push(t); } } }, modifyRoofUV: function(t, rv, bv) { if (rv) { t.uvs[0].u = 0.5 - t.uvs[0].u; t.uvs[1].u = 0.5 - t.uvs[1].u; t.uvs[2].u = 0.5 - t.uvs[2].u; } t.uvs[0].u += 0.5; t.uvs[1].u += 0.5; t.uvs[2].u += 0.5; if (rv) { t.uvs[0].v = 0.5 - t.uvs[0].v + bv + bv; t.uvs[1].v = 0.5 - t.uvs[1].v + bv + bv; t.uvs[2].v = 0.5 - t.uvs[2].v + bv + bv; } }, transformPolygons: function() { var trans = new M44(); trans.mul(this.mViewMat, this.mProjMat); var hw = this.mViewport.ow; var hh = this.mViewport.oh; var len = this.mRenderTris.length; var t; var spos = [0, 0, 0, 0]; for (var i = 0;i < len;i++) { t = this.mRenderTris[i]; for (var k = 0;k < 3;k++) { trans.transVec3(spos, t.poss[k].x, t.poss[k].y, t.poss[k].z); var W = spos[3]; spos[0] /= W; spos[1] /= W; spos[2] /= W; spos[0] *= this.mViewport.w; spos[1] *= -this.mViewport.h; spos[0] += hw; spos[1] += hh; t.tposs[k].x = spos[0]; t.tposs[k].y = spos[1]; t.tposs[k].z = spos[2]; } var v1 = (new Vec3()).copyFrom(t.poss[1]).sub(t.poss[0]).normalize(); var v2 = (new Vec3()).copyFrom(t.poss[2]).sub(t.poss[1]).normalize(); var N = (new Vec3()).cp(v1, v2); trans.transVec3Rot(spos, N.x, N.y, N.z); if (t.lighting) { if (spos[2] > 0) t.shade = 0.8 else { t.shade = 0.1 - N.y * 0.6; if (t.shade < 0) t.shade = 0; } } t.sortKey = Math.floor( (t.tposs[0].z + t.tposs[1].z + t.tposs[2].z + t.zBias) *1000 ); } } } function ClothNode() { this.flags = 0; this.pos = new Vec3(); this.velo = new Vec3(); this.cv = new Vec3(); this.F = new Vec3(); this.links = [null, null, null, null]; this.uv = {u:0, v:0}; } function RenderTriangle() { this.texture = null; this.poss = new Array(3); this.tposs = [new Vec3(), new Vec3(), new Vec3()]; this.uvs = [{u:0, v:0}, {u:0, v:0}, {u:0, v:0}]; this.shade = 0; this.lighting = true; this.zBias = 0; this.sortKey = 0; }